Vegetable Garden & Sustainability Programs

Our multi award winning school vegetable garden has been nurtured now for 5 years by the students, staff and community.
For three successive years we have taken out place ribbons for produce at both the Perth Royal Show and the Wanneroo Show.
Our school program will be showcased this year at a Sustainability Forum.
In 2019 we won a grant and partnered with Junior Landcare and Tucker Bush and in 2020 we became a case study school for our vegetable garden and newly planted native bush tucker garden.
We have 2 productive worm farms which produce enough organic ‘worm wee’ to keep our garden healthy and productive. This year we have harvested the castings to make healthy soil along with the soil we made from our 7 compost bins. These bins and worm farms enable the school to collect organic waste that would normally go to landfill. The aim is to maintain a sustainability loop for organic waste being used to fertilize the garden.
We have two 1500l water tanks that supply water for the summer months and the students have learnt that this is a precious commodity that we need to conserve.
Our school is a collection point for various products that would normally go to landfill such as dental products, coffee pods, ring pulls and plastic bottle tops. These go to Terracycle who make them into usable products.
Vegetables and herbs have been planted in raised garden beds. They have been measured, studied, cared for, harvested and used to prepare healthy food. Excess vegetables are now freely shared with the community via a Grow Free Cart. The ethos being, ‘Take what you need and give what you can’.
The garden is an inclusive learning environment for all students, based on a sustainable model of reusing, recycling, repurposing and rethinking. Parents, grandparents and interested community members are urged to join this exciting initiative and pass on their expertise and help to our future generations. Contact the school for further details.